Beatrice Santacroce

Beatrice V. Santacroce
Director, Corporate Engagement & Events
American Advertising Federation

Beatrice joined the AAF in September 2018 with more than 10 years of experience in the nonprofit event industry. As the Director of Corporate Engagement and Events, Beatrice works closely with our corporate partners who are involved in volunteer leadership of the Advertising Hall of Achievement and the Advertising Hall of Fame. She also works with the network of Advertising Hall of Achievement Alumni to continue their involvement in the AAF’s mission and efforts, and has helped launch new corporate sub-committees to better serve AAF membership overall. Prior to joining the team at AAF, Beatrice was a Development Director for the local chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and has also worked for Habitat for Humanity and the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF). She is passionate about connecting people through their common mission, especially one as important as advancing the advertising industry, through the meaningful and impactful programs offered by the AAF.

Beatrice was born and raised in the Washington, DC area and currently lives in Bethesda, MD. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Virginia Commonwealth University in Mass Communications. She is a baseball fanatic and also loves to cheer on her alma mater, the VCU Rams, during college basketball season. She loves to travel to tropical places and will find any excuse to escape to the beach.

Please contact Beatrice for inquiries on the following programs:

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Last Updated: July 2021